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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

CC's aunty~

Just now CC's aunty was fetching me back. That was the most 'unforgetable' experience for me. Before I got into the car, I thought CC was in the car so I automatically go to the back seat. But after I opened the door, his aunty asked me to sit at the front sit. Honestly, only at that time I knew CC was not there. Then I sit in front loo. Guess what....
She said: "You did not know there was no one in front, right?"
I said: "I did not know."
then she said: " I think you should know it is impolite to sit behind if there is no one sitting in front." Without waiting for my response, she continue: "I know I am the driver but I think young people should at least know this."
My spine suddenly become rigid and could not bend anymore because the air was frozen in the car. Oh gosh, it was damn scary....I did not mean to offend her but my carelessness seemed has done the job.
After that....long make long story short....CC and I were receiving a great lesson in the car but I think CC has used to it because he did not give much response to his aunty when she was nagging.
The moral of this story is don't be too serious sometimes because you are chasing people our of your planet.
She can walk and talk really advise for her is don't walk too fast because you may miss some beautiful view along the street. Don't talk and judge too fast because you may lose the opportunity to listen to the marvelous thoughts from your friends.
Anyway, thanks for the ride, God bless you!!


Jayne said...

oh gosh...she sounds so serious and scary~ haha.. :S

king said...

Well, I too got scolded by my aunt before for sitting at the back of the car when no one sits in front=.="

Unknown said...

Common knowledge lah. Youngsters nowadays. Tsk tsk tsk. She's good enough she didn't throw u out of the car.

Anonymous said...

Although you got scolded..but what she said was true...besides, it is not that she is being serious, she is telling you the way youngsters nowadays should behave and don't take things for granted.

elyse boo said...

I know what u guys complain and need to appreciate
But young people like me really choice...hehe